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In the Western world at present time few people have an approached idea about what Astrology has been throughout History, as much within the astrological ambiences as outside of it. Here we are the reason of its irregular social situation, that comes from the wasting scientist of centuries XVII and XVIII. 

                   This ignorance, as much internal as external, comes from the following facts: 

         1)  The ancient classic astrological works have had until the present little or null diffusion, although the tendency is to update them and to extend the circle of readers. 

         2)  The limited development, precariousness of means and little objectivity whereupon the History of Science have grown until well advanced century XX;  the presence of schools and sides between the historians, as well as the delayed access to certain documentary sources (cuneiform tablets, paleolithic history, etc.).

         3)  The ostracism that Astrology has been maintained in the university scientific world, although nobody has provided any demonstration about the absence of planetary influences.

         4)  An astrological Literature based on the esoteric or magical appearance has proliferated. The personal image of its authors and marketing, is its only value, and is characterized by a little or null rigor nor contrasts of the hypotheses with the facts, without the smaller approach to present science. Works and authors of initial flash and not much more, than have only dazzled to inclined people to believe and to take hold themselves to something at moments of personal crisis.  All this sort of literature is led to be swept by the time, when lacking real support and being outside the reality. 

What is not Astrology

We define first what is what nothing has to do with the science of the influence of the stars on the Earth and the beings who populate it: 

         1)  Horoscopes of magazines, banal pages Web, mobile telephony, etc.

         2)  Personal astrology made by people lacking in suitable knowledge and preparation, usually with an erratic vital trajectory. Those people hardly can advise to other. First they would apply the rules themselves. 

Nevertheless, Astrology is popular and its present subsistence is due to this type of appearances in means and to some opportunistic consultative bureaus.

A past illustrious, a present with future

And, nevertheless, science as we know it was born in the Middle East from the study of the firmament and the first mathematical tools to describe the movement of the stars.  Astronomy, versus Astrology and vice versa, is in the foundations of the scientific building of all the times, including our present. 

It constituted the great central column axis of other sciences until century XVII, when scientists began to work apart from philosophers and broke with any religious connection.  The astrologer was during many centuries a respected and prestigious social figure. 

In order to support what we say, the reader may read some articles of our own. He will find a exhibition within The History of Astrology, the differences and connections between Old and modern science,  as well as our personal points of view on what types of Astrology we can make and what areas of life we can apply them. 

A tool there is no doubt is going to equip with cohesion and structure a lot of astrologers in Spain will be the Sociedad Española de Astrología (Spanish Society of Astrology), founded in 2004.  From now the regulation of the exercise of Astrology, training programs and system of degrees and diplomas, the proclamation and acceptance of an Ethical Code, the official declaration of the Sociedad Española de Astrología as institution of public interest, the formalization of research programs, preparation of an Astrological Encyclopaedia, etc., has an open door in Spain, and also in other countries.

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