Traditional methods

Book I:  Treaty of Meteorognomy


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200 pages dedicated to the study of the origin of “Cabañuelas”, as much in Spain as anywhere in the world, its different types and moments along the year, as well as a evaluative study of such. What and when we must observe, and how to process the data.  Which is its scientific foundation and reliability.  With numerous graphs and black and white colour photographs.  Discover the secrets of our ancient shepherds and peasants.

  Price of the work is: 

36 euros

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Price at your home free of any type of expenses:  36 euros.


Introduction   How it has been developed tthis work and gratefulness

Chapter I.  What is Meteorognomy?   Definition of Meteorognomy.  The origins.  Meteorognomy in the Spanish oral tradition.  Concept of the time in the old mentalities.  Utility and actual range in bombing of the Astrometeorology and Meteorognomy        …………………………………………............................. 9

Chapter II Systems of long term prediction in Meteorognomy   Calendars outdoors:  risings and settings  of stars.  Cabañuelas.  Introduction and concept.  Origin.  Foundation.  Cyclical conception of the chronological and meteorological time.  The tropical zodiac and annual climatic cycle.  Calendars and beginnings of year. Cabañuelas, beginning of cycle and semisquares.  The “témporas” of mountains basquenavarres............................................................................ 15

Chapter III Remarkable Signs in Meteorognomy.   Mists.  Dew.  The observation of dew and mists in the period of cabañuelas.  Type of dew in the drought preludes.  Proverbs of dew and fogs.  Phenomena of convection.  Stormy activity.  Clouds grazing   Environmental humidity.  Atmospheric activity: types of clouds...................................................................................................... 33

Chapter IV Growth fractal and cabañuelas.   Description of complex systems:  mass, energy and information. Fractals and similarity of cycles.  Atmospheric fractals.  Beginnings of climatic cycle.  Critical important points.  Astronomical wave and physical wave.  Periodic pulses of the Sun-Moon system on the Earth.  Phenomena associated to accumulation of energy in the atmosphere, the oceans and seas.  The importance of beginnings in development of cycles.  Difficulty to locate them in Meteorognomy.  Application from the model to the August cabañuelas.  The "memory effect" in the general atmospheric circulation.  Application to weather forecast in the East Iberian Mediterranean coastal area .................................................45

Chapter V. The prevailing wind regime in critical periods. The precursory winds   Introduction:  the precursory winds.  a)  Winds of North. b) Winds of the South c) Winds of East. d) Winds of West. e) Winds of thermal origin.  The wind regime and oral tradition  ........................................................................57

Chapter VI. Taking data.  Meteorognomical graphs   Elaboration of cabañuelas notebooks.  The observation place.  Local data and general performances.  Data to consider:  what to observe, what to write down.  Preparation of meteorognomical graphs   …………………..................................... 63

Chapter VII. Cabañuelas Notebook August 1997 and 1998:  preludes of oposite cycles Period of direct cabañuelas August 1997.  Period of direct cabañuelas August 1998 .......................................................................67

Chapter VIII.  The preludes of droughts in cabañuelas' period Verifications of experimental prognosis. Peculiarities in the meteorognomic observations of "dog days" of 1998.  Reflections on August cabañuelas of 1998.  Judgment on 13 of April 1999.  Torrential drought and rains.  Critical important points in dry periods       ....................................................................................................... 77

Chapter IX.  The Undulatory doctrine in Meteorognomy  Introduction.  The undulatory in natural cycles of the atmosphere.  Criteria of polarity.  Polarity in the diurnal cycle. Polarity in cycles of superior period.  Geographic polarity. Phenomena of accumulation and growth fractal.  Phenomena of accumulation in the long term.  Location of critical important points on the atmospheric induced wave.            ........................................................................................................87

Chapter X. The tradition of cabañuelas in old calendars.  Meteorognomic evaluation.   The critical periods in the ancient calendars. Confirming rains of Saint Martin (and the first appearance of August).  1995:  end of the drought of 90's.  Preludes of August and November.  1996:  preludes of August and November of one of the rainiest years of century XX (1997).  1993:  End of rainy cycle in Saint Martin and beginning of the 94' drought.   1998:  end of rainy cycle and beginning of dry.  Preludes of the driest year of the century in some observatories.  The case of 1997-1998:  end of rainy cycle.  Autumn 1989:  extraordinarily rainy in the Iberian East, prelude of the 1990's drought.        ……………………………..........105

Chapter XI Cabañuelas of the Christmas period . Saint Lucy and the dates of the confusion.  Weather forecasts in Santa Lucia and Christmas: cabañuelas, calandrias, canablas, tretzenades   The zotal egunak.   Meteorognmical evaluation of the method.  Preludes of the solstice of winter before a dry and very warm year:  1993-1994.  How it was later 1994.  Preludes of the solstice of winter before exceptionally rainy years:  1995-1996, 1996-1997.  How it was later 1996.  Christmas preludes of 1997.  How it was later 1997. End of rainy cycle: preludes of Christmas 1997-1998.  How it was later 1998.  Comparison cycle long -cycle of these four extreme years.  Anticyclonal winter periods:  1988, 1989.  Final valuation and conclusions on cabañuelas of the winter solstice.  A remarkable exception: 1969         ………………………………...................................................119

Chapter XII.  Cabañuelas of Saint Mark  Introduction.  Probable origin.  Little summers and critical important points of the annual climatic cycle. Cabañuelas of Saint Mark of 1999.  Notebook cabañuelas of Saint Mark 1999. Evaluating the cabañuelas of Saint Mark.  Second humid halves of spring:  1988, 1990, 1992, 1993.  Second dry halves of spring:  1989, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998      ……………….................................................................. 141

Chapter XIII.  The October moon Cabañuelas .  Introduction.  Evaluating the October moon.  1993:  preludes of a continued regime of west winds in December and January, and of the drought of 1994.  Earlier flowering of almonds tree of century XX 1998:  end of cold autumn and winter, with successive continental air penetrations.  September moon or October moon?  Winter 1988-1989.  Autumn 1991 and winter 1992.  End of 1995:  the drought of the 90 finishes in Andalusia and begin the floods.  1996:  fall of the moon of October   ………………... 159

Appendix I. Fotometeors.  The colour of the Sun, the Moon and stars in weather forecast   Observation of stars in Meteorognomy.  Fotometeors of the Sun and the Moon:  halos, parhelios, walls...  Observation of risings and settings of the Sun.  The colours of the Moon in weather forecast   ............................... 165

Appendix II Traditions of ancient almanacs.  Rustic prediction of weather   

25 of December:  in what day of the week Christmas falls?  Weather forecasts according to the day of the week in which the year begins according to Leopold of Austria.  Of which it indicates the type of Moon to the entrance of the Sun in the signs of the Zodiac, according to Jerónimo Cortés.  Heat signals in the summer, according to The Rustic Record  of Dr D. Diego de Torres Villarroel.  In order to know of the coming year by the principle of the dog days, according to the same author.  The clouds male and the clouds female:  an ancient and popular way to foretell and contemplate the storm formation.  Signals of thunders and hail stones, according to Diego de Torres Villarroel, in his Rustic Record   Signals of cold according to the same author and build.  Signals that the cold is close, according to same author and build.  The calendar of the onion and the birds as omen.  Omens of the time in the Phenomena  of Aratus.  The weather forecast through the animals in the Spanish oral tradition.  Other signs of change of time in the oral tradition.  The winds and the clouds, according to proverbs     …………………………….......... 179

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36 euros

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